Our Services (サービス一覧)

Event (イベントスペース)
英語だけで会話しよう – リラックスした雰囲気の中で、飲んだり、食べたりしながら楽しく英語力を伸ばしましょう!
絵を描いて楽しもう! – 自由に創造力を発揮して、アートを楽しみながら交流しましょう。
ボードゲームしよう! – 定番から最新まで、みんなで楽しむボードゲームの世界へ!
Join Our Fun and Engaging Events!We regularly host exciting meetups and events to connect and have fun together. Check out some of our popular activities:
Speak Only in English – Practice and improve your English skills in a friendly and relaxed environment.
Let’s Draw and Have Fun! – Unleash your creativity with art and enjoy connecting with others.
Board Game Night – Dive into a world of strategy and fun with classic and modern board games!Stay updated on upcoming events through our Instagram or Meetup. We can’t wait to see you there!
Coworking Space
Cloud Infinityでは、ドロップインで手軽にスペースをお借りいただけます。快適な環境を整えたこの場所では、WIFIや電源が備されており、勉強、仕事や会議に最適です。モニターもご用意しており、プレゼンテーションや作業がスムーズに行えます。スマートロックを採用しているため、出入りも簡単です。
At Cloud Infinity, you can easily use a space with our drop-in service. This comfortable environment is equipped with Wi-Fi and power outlets, making it ideal for work, study, and meetings We also provide monitors to ensure your presentations and run smoothly. With smart lock technology, accessing the space is a breeze.

Studio rental
we offer a versatile rental space suitable for a variety of occasions. Whether you’re planning a casual get-together with friends, hobby gathering, or even a photoshoot, our space is ready to meet your needs.The comfortable environment is equipped with free Wi-Fi and power outlets, and we provide additional amenities such as projectors and whiteboards to ensure smooth presentations or event preparations. Catering or delivery options are also available, making it easy to organize food and drinks for your party.With smart lock technology, you can enjoy secure and hassle-free access. From short-term rentals to extended events, we’re here to support your plans flexibly.